丹青歌盛世 妙笔绘华章——访国际艺术名家道金平

发布时间:2020-12-02   来源:环球新闻网    


Dao Jinping was born in September 1966. Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Northwest Normal University, majoring in Chinese painting, studied in Guo Yicong Flower and Bird Art Studio of China Academy of Art and China Tropical Rainforest Art Institute, and was good at calligraphy, flowers and birds. He used to be a member of the second and third committees of the CPPCC Qingyang City, Gansu Province. At present, he is the Deputy Secretary-General of the New Literary Group Calligraphers Working Committee of Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Creation Committee of the World Youth Civilization Forum, a member of the

欣欣此生意48x180cm 2019年

多年从事教育和非物质文化遗产保护与研究工作,参与编辑出版了《环县道情皮影志》《环县道情皮影》图文书等著作。其代表作品《沙漠之春》《绿水光中古木清》《汉殿凝香》等曾入编《中外文化交流艺术大使》《中华文化大使》《人民艺术家·中国梦》系列画册,由《中外文化交流杂志》社、《世界知识画报》社出版发行。2018年5月,作品《黄沙百战穿金甲》及解析文章在《祖国》杂志发表;2018年11月、2019年9月连续两年作品《春雷惊雨润千山》、《风雨硕果迎曙光》分别入展由中国文联美术艺术中心、中国文联书法艺术中心、中国书画家联谊会、中国楹联学会、中国工笔画学会联合举办“庆祝改革开放40周年新文艺群体书画家作品展” 、“我爱你,祖国——庆祝新中国成立70周年第二届新文艺群体书画家优秀作品展”。其作品意蕴不凡,有独特的艺术见解,为推动中外文化艺术交流作出了贡献,受到极高的赞誉和关注。2020年8月策划组织举办了宋仁伟、张文平油画精品展暨环县美术家协会首届油画创作培训班。2020年10月策划组织举办了"高原艳色"全国中青年花鸟画名家精品展走进老区环县活动。

He has been engaged in education and intangible cultural heritage protection and research for many years, and participated in editing and publishing books such as "Huanxian Daoqing Shadow Play" and "Huanxian Daoqing Shadow Play". His representative works, Desert Spring, Ancient Wood in Green Water, Han Temple Condensing Fragrance, etc., have been included in the series of albums, such as Art Ambassadors for Sino-foreign Cultural Exchange, Chinese Cultural Ambassadors, People's Artists and Chinese Dreams, which have been published by Chinese-foreign Cultural Exchange Magazine and World Knowledge Pictorial. In May 2018, the work "Huangsha Hundreds of Wars Wear Golden Armor" and its analytical articles were published in "Motherland" magazine; In November 2018 and September 2019, for two consecutive years, the works "Spring Thunder Surprises Rain Run Qian Shan" and "Wind and Rain Wins Dawn" were exhibited by China Federation of Fine Arts Art Center, China Federation of Calligraphy Art Center, Chinese Calligraphers Association, China. The Couplet Society and China Fine Painting Society jointly held the "Exhibition of New Literary and Art Group Painters' Works Celebrating the 40 th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up" and "I Love You, Motherland-" His works have extraordinary connotations and unique artistic views, which have contributed to the promotion of cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries and received high praise and attention. In August 2020, Song Renwei and Zhang Wenping Oil Painting Exhibition and the first oil painting training class of Huanxian Artists Association were planned and organized. In October, 2020, the National Exhibition of Young and Middle-aged Flower-and-Bird Painting Masters was planned and organized, which went into the old district and surrounded the county.

清秋 48x180cm 2019年

致道金平 —— 徐向峰





















Zhi Dao Jin ping —— Xu Xiangfeng

3,650 days and nights

From the sheath, a cold light

To the silent and enigmatic

You never reconcile flashy colors

Fortitude to life

Ideas have the power of conquest

A wake - up Caragana, black thorn

In the Gobi, the barrier is ready

In the tree community, the worry-free trees swaying handsome

Playing the sound of nature in the rain forest

From the aesthetic attainments of a painting

To understand the edge

How to destroy the ruins of paper

What can deny the fate of green

Supreme worship

From the understanding of nature

Then the desert retreated

A green map

Is China, should be freehand brushwork

28 September 2020

时序平分独懔秋48x180cm 2019年

红果方当熟48x180cm 2020年

人度白云层48x180cm 2020年

浩荡信无忧48x180cm 2020年

何处惹尘埃48x180cm 2018年

花红柳绿菩提相 68x138cm 2020年

世间珍果更无加68x138cm 2018年

菩提洗尽铅华梦68x138cm 2020年

果熟多藏新密叶68x138cm 2020年

秋在枝头羞涩处68x138cm 2019年

寿比灵椿过八千68x138cm 2020年

光明暗寄希夷顶68x138cm 2020年

觉湛明性68x138cm 2020年

景物轩豁欣窥觇97x180cm 2020年

